BullGuard is the best PC Antivirus on the market today!
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What is BullGuard?
BullGuard is the safest and best internet security and anti-virus protection software available today
It’s as easy as just installing it on your system and pressing one button to set it to work repairing and fixing your machine.
Your problems with Windows 10 may occur if you unknowingly download malware, when the computer is overloaded with too much data or when certain files become corrupted.
This may result in slow performances, crashes, start-up problems or lockups.
The solutions to such problems is to use BullGuard on your machine. You can scan, diagnose and repair your computer.
BullGuard has a number of products such as BullGuard Antivirus for your desktop, BullGuard Mobile Security for your mobile and Bullguard Premium Protection and Bullguard Internet Security which are multi-device.
To get it today Just Click Right Here!
BullGuard Mobile Security
Bullguard Mobile Security is a smart proterction system for your android device. It will protect you from all types of threats including msalware and theft.
Bullguard Mobile Security has an antitheft functionality which will locate your device, and will also help you wipe your phone to protect the data on it.
It will also help you back up your content such as contacts, calendar and messages.
This also provides parental control which can help you make sure your children are staying safe.
You can block unwanted calls on your device too.
This is also very easy to use with a simple interface.
BullGuard Internet Security
BullGuard Internet Security is the best online protection system available on the market today.
This will protect all of your devices with just one license.
This system gives you protection from all sorts of malware and online threats.
It also has cross-platform functionality providing security to your laptop, mac, tablet and phone.
It’s very easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface.
The support provided for BullGuard is very supportive, effective and friendly, and will make you feel comfortable when dealing with your queries.
All customers can expect to work with an excellent team of support engineers who will help ensure that PCKeeper is used to its best ability and will help with all queries big or small.
More about Computer Malware
There are many types of threats appearing all the time. You must be aware of them.
What is Computer Malware?
Computer malware is software which is hostile or invasive. It is software which is intentionally designed to cause damage or steal information from a computer, server or network. They have a malicious intent. Software bugs are not considered malware, because they are accidental and don’t have a malicious intent.
Malware is often installed on the host without the owner’s consent, permission or knowledge.
Malware could take the form of executable code, scripts or other types of content. And the code cold be described as Worms, Trojan Horses, Ransomware, Spyware, Adware, Scareware and many others.
Types of Computer Malware – Viruses
Viruses are the first and last word in computer infiltration. Simple ones simply tie up your computer, whereas complex ones can do virtually anything to an unprotected computer. No one should browse the web without good computer antivirus software!
Viruses can mess up your computer, and spyware can too. These cyber pests can work hand and hand to destroy your computer. The majority of people are aware of this. However, what they aren’t aware of is the fact that spyware has the power to cause damage to you.
Malware are programs which are installed on a system without the user’s knowledge. They can perform unwanted tasks on a computer leading to damage.
A virus is a parasitic program written to intentionally enter a computer without the user’s permission or knowledge. The word “parasitic” is used because a virus attaches to files or boot sectors and replicates itself, which allows it to spread. Though some viruses do little more than copy themselves, others can cause serious damage or affect program and system performance. A virus should never be assumed to be harmless or left on a system. You should always have computer antivirus software on your system
A virus may come by way of an infected email, and instant message, a download, or just by going to a site that’s waiting to infect the next visitor. They can really wreak havoc on your computer. They can delete important data or they can actually wipe out your entire hard drive. Believe me, when you get infected with one, you will notice the difference in the way your computer performs. Always have an updated computer antivirus program.
You could unknowingly download one, perhaps as a Trojan horse, and may be activated by running a certain program or file. A virus could have one of many effect on your system from minor to serious.
Types of Computer Malware – Worms
A software worm is a type of malware which is in the form of a standalone program which can replicate itself and spread itself to other computers. It is capable of doing this without human assistance and can cause a lot of damage.
Worm virus is one of the most common computer virus, mainly spreading and self-copying by network. Unlike other viruses that have to attach to a program, worms are independent and intelligent programs. Worm virus can slow down your computer by occupying as high as 90% of your CPU or even makes your PC crash.
A worm will often use a computer network, such as the internet or a private network to spread itself. The worm will take advantage of security breaches or failures on the network it is using or on the computers it is spreading itself to.
Worms will cause a lot of disruption to the networks and computers it is spreading itself to.
It’s good to be aware of the countermeasures available and that which must be employed to prevent worms infecting a computer or network system and of the measures to take if a system is infected by a worm.
You must be aware that they spread by exploiting vulnerabilities, so the first course of action must be that the vulnerable system must have had a security audit or have regular security patches installed. If you take care of your systems security then worms may find it difficult to impossible to infect the system and spread itself.
You must be aware of phishing attempts. This is when a worm (or any other kind of fraudster) attempts to get critical information such as login credentials from you in an attempt to gain access to a system.
A phishing attempt could be in the form of a legitimate looking email which will bring you to a link that will ask you to enter log-in credentials (or maybe other kinds of sensitive info like credit card details if they are fraudsters).
You should not run attached files from an email from a sender who you do not recognize. This could be a way of installing a back-door on your system which the sender could then access later and steal sensitive information.
Types of Computer Malware – Adware
Adware is also known as “Advertised Supported Software” a can be a real annoyance.
Adware is software which will generate revenue for its developers and to the people to are using it.
They will generate automatic adverts on the computer users screen.
The particular type of malware can be installed on the computer through web browsing and downloading and will display unwanted ads. These can be annoying and are often just unwanted. They can significantly hold back your notebook computer or PC’s performance.
They can generate money by means of display ads or by PPC (Pay-Per Click). PPC is a type of advertisement where the person or website receives a small commission any time someone click on the ad.
Adware will be known as Malware when it is unwanted, intrusive and inappropriate when they display unwanted ads to the computer user.
Adware would be considered as a Malware if they open unwanted pop-ups, pop-unders and open unclosable windows.
Adware can come with differing levels of severity. On the low end of the scale they are just a mild irritant, but on the other end they are considerably threatening.
Types of Computer Malware – Spyware
Spyware is a type of malicious software which is used to collect sensitive or private information from a computer.
It is meant to gather about a person or organization without the knowledge or consent of the system owners or administrators.
Spyware is a serious threat because they can result in a huge financial loss to an organization and can be disruptive in other ways.
Spyware will download itself on your computer without you knowing, install programs called key loggers that can record anything you punch into your computer. Once these key loggers obtain the information, they send it throughout the internet and then, basically, you are screwed.
Spyware could also be used to track your online activity. This could include what you are searching on Google, what you are watching on YouTube amongst much more. This could help the owners of this spyware provide you with targeted ads based on your internet search and activity.
The activity of this spyware could be hidden from the internet user and it can be difficult to detect its presence.
Spyware can be categorized into four main types; Adware (discussed above), System Monitors, tracking cookies and Trojans.
Adware is software which will presents unwanted advertisements to a computer user and it is discussed more thoroughly above.
System Monitors will include things like key-loggers. Key-loggers will be installed covertly on a person’s system without them knowing. They key-logger will then monitors the user of the system and will store the activity of the use of the system which will include log-in details and passwords.
Tracking Cookies are also known as HTTP Cookies. They are a small amount of memory
which is stored on the users web browsers and will store such things as email addresses and
login names. When used legitimately they are no problem, but a problem could arise is they are spied on by a person with malicious intent.
Trojans are a malicious piece of software which deceives a computer user of its true intent.
The term “Trojan” is taken from the Ancient Greek story of the siege of troy when the Greek
duped the Trojans into allowing them into their city by hiding soldiers in a large wooden horse and pretending to have given up on the siege.
A Trojan will be installed on a person’s system without then realizing it. It could be a part of an email attachment which the system user doesn’t realize is suspicious. This malicious software could then install a back-door on the system which the fraudster can then access.
Types of Computer Malware – Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware which will demand a ransom from the system owner. They do this in a number of different ways.
In one way they can covertly invade a system and encrypt the victim’s data and files with an encrypton algorithm and will only provide the key to decrypt it after a ransom has been paid. This way they can block access to the file owners own files.
Another strategy the use is the threat to publish the victim’s sensitive data publically unless a ransom has been paid.
As with other types of malware the victim may not notice that the malware is on their system until it’s too late.
You should take precautionary measures to make sure that your system will not be subject to this kind of attack.
One way is to keep secure copies and backups of sensitive data which can help you recover after an attack.
On Windows you can use the Volume shadow Copy (VSS) which is used to store backups of data.
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